Saturday, November 1, 2014

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Technical problems

Last week blogger deleted post from May 10th on. Did anyone else have this problem? Then when they reinstated the post all the comments were gone. I apologize if your comment was deleted, there was about 8 lost.

Tech problem number two was when my laptop got a pretty bad virus. I ended up having to do a clean install of windows 7. Thankfully I was able to backup most of my photos, except what I was going to post earlier this week. Everything was going well until the laptop just shut off today and would not turn on... I am really regretting that I did not just replace the laptop when it did almost the same thing last spring. Since then I learned to use an external hard drive but not to ditch windows :)

Look for a post on whats happening inside the polytunnel in a day or two. Bare with me as I am working on a dinosaur PC I dug out of the basement!

Ill end with a photo I took of a pair of Blue-winged Teal Ducks:

Blue-winged Teal Ducks

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