Friday, October 31, 2014

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Life is Good in the Balcony Garden

I will admit, I have been less than a diligent gardener when it comes to the balcony garden. The park, a new travel project and simply working with a budget when it comes to renovating our new condo has the balcony looking much like it did when we moved in with one exception, the plants.

I wasnt sure what would be most at home in this garden in the sky so I planted a bit of everything from ferns, to Colocasia, begonias and succulents and they all seem to be doing just fine. 

This well-being on the plants part is quite welcome this season which has turned out to be far wetter and cooler than anticipated. My sun garden at the park, which was ridiculously lush this time last year, is limping along. The plants are holding tight, waiting for dry, hot days to make their move. So as the sun garden is fine at the park, it is nice to see such lush success at home.

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